Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Setting Up a RHCSA Practice Laptop - Part 1

In order to practice for the RHCSA at home, I took an old Dell Latitude E6500 with 4GiB of RAM and purchased a 500GiB hard drive on which I could install CentOS 7 with a server GUI as the base operating system and them multiple virtual machines using KVM with which to experiment and learn.

My package selection for the install was a Server GUI installation. I partitioned the hard drive with 1 GiB of swap, 500 MiB on a standard partition for the /boot, and 30 GiB for the root partition.

I also created a 60 GiB partition for /home, and then allocated everything that remained (375.27 GiB) to /var.  The reason for giving some much space to /var is that the default KVM / qemu setup on CentOS 7 places virtual hard drive images in /var/lib/libvirt/images, so I wanted plenty of space available for multiple images.

After the install finished I wanted to see what the partitions looked like, so I ran
$ sudo yum install system-storage-manager
and then
$ sudo ssm list
which revealed the following:

Device        Free       Used      Total  Pool        Mount point
/dev/sda                       465.76 GB              PARTITIONED
/dev/sda1                      500.00 MB              /boot
/dev/sda2  0.00 KB  465.27 GB  465.27 GB  centos
Pool    Type  Devices     Free       Used      Total
centos  lvm   1        0.00 KB  465.27 GB  465.27 GB
Volume           Pool   Vol size  FS   FS size    Free      Type   Mount point
/dev/centos/swap centos 1.00 GB                             linear
/dev/centos/root centos 30.00 GB  xfs  29.99  GB  26.73 GB  linear /
/dev/centos/home centos 60.00 GB  ext4 60.00  GB  55.88 GB  linear /home
/dev/centos/var  centos 374.27 GB ext4 374.27 GB 349.02 GB  linear /var
/dev/sda1               500.00 MB xfs  493.73 MB  293.59 MB part   /boot

To be continued in Fall of 2016..
